E. J. Waggoner

A brief introduction to the life of Ellet Joseph Waggoner.
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A brief introduction to the life of Ellet Joseph Waggoner.
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Newest First | Oldest Firsttocadtrompeta says: Mar 15, 2012 @12:20 PM EDT
Hello! We are the Spanish blog www.tocadtrompeta.blogspot.com. When we saw this video we loved it. Some mounths ago we translated into Spanish this video with subtitles. You can see it at: http://www.tocadtrompeta.blogspot.com/2011/09/testimonio-ej-waggoner.html God bless you friends!
Narrow Way Media says: Mar 23, 2012 @10:53 PM EDT
Thank you for sharing. I'm very pleased to see the video with Spanish subtitles. I hope one day, if the Lord wills, to produce a documentary on the lives of Jones and Waggoner, the 1888 General Conference, and, most importantly, the message of righteousness by faith.
I took a look at your website, and I'm grateful to see the materials you are making available to the Spanish-speaking community. May the Lord bless your ministry.
¡Que Dios los bendiga! y la gracia de nuestro Señor Jesucristo sea con vosotros. (Yo sé algo de español, pero estoy esperando para saber más.)
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